My CNC Story

When I first started teaching high school, 15 years ago, I was overwhelmed with the amount of technology that I had at my school. At the time, my lack of understanding and experience, paired with being a new teacher, resulted in ignoring pieces of equipment for years. There didn’t seem to be easy opportunities for high-quality training nor did I have the time to sit and watch hours of YouTube videos. When I finally got around to turning my CNC router on, I literally had to dust off an inch of sawdust in order to use it.

Now as a veteran teacher, my goals are to provide quality CNC machine training to teachers, to equip them with the necessary skills to confidently teach the next generation.

If you have a CNC machine that needs “dusting off” or would like to enhance what you are currently doing, please contact me. I would enjoy helping you any way that I can.
